Eligibility Criteria

In order to apply for the TRIO SSS program, you must meet the following eligibility criteria, set by the U.S. Department of Education.

To be eligible, you:

  • must be a U.S. citizen or permanent resident;
  • must be a low-income student who may also be a first-generation college student or a student with a disability1;
  • must be currently enrolled as a full-time undergraduate in a degree program at the University of Pittsburgh2;

1Low-income status is determined by annual taxable household income limits set by the U.S. Department of Education. First-generation status refers to an undergraduate neither of whose parents earned baccalaureate degree or, in the case of custodial parent, this parent/guardian did not earn a baccalaureate degree.

2Postbaccalaureate students and students who already have one bachelors degree are not eligible for the program.